The Ethics Review System manages the complete ethics review process including application, review, and approval. It facilitates effective management by encouraging and enforcing a robust process, and automation of certain tasks results in improved turnaround times.

The system has been developed with the University of Sheffield's Research, Partnerships and Innovation service, who oversee research ethics for around 39,000 staff and students. Since launching at Sheffield in 2014 it has been used to efficiently process over 32,000 applications.

Ethics Review System - Personalised Dashboards

Personalised dashboards indicate required actions

Ethics Review System - Supporting Documentation

Supporting documentation can be easily uploaded

Ethics Review System - Notifications

Notifications guide users through the process

Ethics Review System - Amendment Highlighting

Amendments and additions are clearly highlighted





Our online Ethics Review System is a fully-hosted service, meaning you only need to focus on your users and content. To keep things simple we offer a flat pricing structure as follows:

Initial setup1 £12,500.00
First year's licence fee £9,500.00
Total cost for the first year £22,000.00 excluding VAT
Annual licence fee2 £9,500.00 excluding VAT

1. Includes applying your institution's branding and customising questions to your requirements.

2. The annual licence fee may be subject to a fair and reasonable increase each year.

Please note: We can only provide this software to organisations located within the United Kingdom.

If you would like to ask a question about our Ethics Review System or request a demo, please contact us and a member of our team will be happy to help.